Sunday, 26 July 2009
doubting myself, my decision, my faith...and my obedience...
I had been talking about getting phd for so many times...and suddenly, a friend of mine throw me a question which made me took a step back and re-consider my decision..
"Do you really WANT to further your studies?"
I thought i would say "YES, SURE!"
But i couldn't answer my friend! I paused right there....and asked "why not?"...Suddenly, I realised I wasn't THAT keen on phd...Here i am, given a chance that most people are dying for...but I hesitated!
Then, everything flashed through my mind...I never wanted to study, I never liked to study...I thought of how I am "encouraged" to get my masters...and here i am, almost finishing it...with good grades...I wonder, if I hadn't continue this, I wouldn't have known I am capable of getting such a grade...
They said "Mum knows best"...maybe it's true, my mum does know me the best and she is trying to force me to give my best...but is this really what I want? Is this how I want my life to be? Is this....ME? Am I even living MY LIFE? or am I just living a life that other's want me to lead?
I am very sure if I were to continue my phd, I will certainly grad with a phd... but, I am tired of education...I HATE studying... I don't know if I am lazy or I just don't like to study... but why the hell did i get good grades if I don't like it?
Everyone told me " studying is better than working"
I would like to give my piece of mind about this statement...Those who said this certainly had fun in their colleges/unis...and the pressure from studies is certainly less compared to the fun they are having...isn't it? For me, studies involved a lot of barbarians and, of course, expectation from others... I still remember someone crying FOR me when they see my results... which i think my results is obviously OKAY...everyone congratulated me, but someone cried for me...
I am confused with what I want! Did I hate phd just because I feel like i am forced to do it? Or is it just pure laziness? very GOD DAMN confused!
my mum asked me if I wanted to continue phd and it is okay if I dont want to do it... (I feel her disappointment when i answered, I am not sure)...damn!
From now on, whoever god damn asked me this question, i am going to rip that person apart and shred him/her into unrecognisable bits with my bare hands! (I mean it, seriously)
My last god damn decision: go for *tut* phd only if it is fully funded...(end of discussion!)
my aim!
After some serious thinking (i should be thinking about my research!), i had finally made up my mind! GO FOR IT!
i am blogging about this because i think this is the only way to make myself serious! I am "leo", so ego plays an important part of me...when i announced it to the entire world that i am going to lose some stubborn weight, I MUST lose it.....
I am not obese...but I am going to lose the stubborn weight...This will be a favour i do for myself...and this will be the best present i give to without the need to try the clothes on!! hooray!
i know, laziness of clothes trying is driving me to lose weight...anyway, i believe EVERY GIRL in this world is talking about this me, i am not "talking bout it" anymore...ACTION will be taken..
correction: action has been taken...
Once i have my results, i will announce how i did it, and everyone can benefit from it... and i will get this done before returning to msia...coz my mum said " dont come back if you put on weight"
haha! mum, this will be your birthday present too! gambateh!
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
this year, my parents didn't attend the graduation, but i have a lot of frens attending it...took a lot of pic, but none of them are with me...i will post it as soon as i get hold of it...hehe!
i wore high heels and it is killing me!!!! i had a hard time walking!! I hoped to wear casual...but it's the BIG i had to wear as formal as possible...not to mention meeting with a few Deans as well as some Professors...All of them keep mentioning about my phd! I am really happy and grateful to one particular professor who can't stop saying :
"This is Connie and she is definitely the one we want to keep here"
i am really happy to hear this...and did i mention that the professor who said this has not taught me before?! he had never taught me and he is really nice! he even helped me to find a job in Malaysia! He has a few part time PhD students and he is asking them to find me a job in Malaysia before he heard that i wanted to further my studies!!! And now, he keep asking around for phd funding for me...I can never thank him enough...
At the graduation, the professors and Deans shared some secrets with me which i am not supposed to be blogging about..anyway, it is all about the phd thingy...I am forever in debt to them for even trying so hard to get funding for me! Even if i dont get the funding, I will still be grateful and I can never thank them enough..
Yesterday, I showed my one-week-long results I obtained for my project to my supervisor...He was SHOCKED! He said I had done something really good and it's something new! He said I should continue my PhD on this area...
my phd friend (whom i am working with), said :
Wow, and you just did your phd in a week..tsk wonder everyone wanted you to be here...You always hit jackpots...hahhaha!
I think my luck is really good and I am hoping my luck will follow me throughout my life...for the rest of the day, i kept grinning and smiling to myself (hey, who's not on cloud 9 when being praised)
anyway, I am grateful to everyone being so nice to me...I love all of you!!!
Saturday, 18 July 2009
moving on short notice...
Moving to the flat across the street...If you were moving to somewhere further away, at least you can call a cab/drive and they will drop you right at the entrance...
For me, I had to drag the luggage across the street and i had to make more than 6 rounds! not including having to clean the whole flat tomorrow...argh! i am exhausted!
While I am moving, I saw my housemates and their BOYFRIENDs chatting and helping them to pack...I can't help but think : If only I have a BOYFRIEND...
Well, I admit it is sort of nice to have a boyfriend helping you to move...but after moving everything, I started thinking : Well, I MOVED everything on MY OWN! I am capable, independent and well, the gym turns out to be good~
My friends did offer to help me, but I declined all their offers...I prefer moving it on my own as it is my problem and I tend to handle it on my own...
CHEERS to SINGLES out there! I just proved to every girls out there that we can do things on our own...SINGLE ROCKS!
Saturday, 11 July 2009
experiencing ice age lifestyle~~
I feel like I am living in ice age...(okay, i am exaggerating...) I have unstable internet connection which disconnected every 10 solve this problem, i tried scanning for wireless and stealing the connection from the library located just opposite my room...whew...still, the signal strength is extremely poor...i still keep disconnecting, but maybe every 30 mins? haha! well, be happy with what you have got, right?
Then, I don't have water supply! It has been two weeks with on-and-off water supply...and guess what? I have lost my counting on "bathing halfway and the water supply stopped"....There was once, I had shampoo all over me when the water supply was cut off! It was 12.30am in the morning and i have 8am lab the next day...I waited till 1am...and STILL NO WATER connection! Since i dont feel like calling up my frens to wake them up so i can borrow their bathroom, I went online...Luckily, one of my fren living not TOO far from my place was still awake...(mind you, i had to steal wireless to go online coz both internet and water were unstable)
I had to cross a main road with 4 lanes with shampoo dripping (well, it dried in my hair) and shower gel all over in the middle of the night when the temperature was around 14C...I simply put on some clothes for the sake of not running around in towel...I continue my shower and had to walk home around 2.30 am...
The entire building has no electricity as well...(they have some generator i guess, so only the living area has electric supply and all the management building has no electricity...worse, the swipe card is useless without electricity...this means that anyone can enter the bulding!
Well, i emailed my complain and they just give me some "sorry, we are trying to fix the problem"...
SORRY MY A*SE....We are the one putting up with this! they should just refund the rental or We can book a hotel/motel/watever place we want and they should be paying for it! they breached the contract!
I cant direct my anger at the email recipient coz they are not the one making me suffer~ so my blog comes in handy~
(my housemate was dyeing her hair when the water supply disconnected...she had to call a cab to her boyfriend's place just to wash it off...) well, guess this is karma...she was laughing at me the other night..hahha!
Sunday, 5 July 2009
complicated, indecisive and confused..
I RANDOMLY applied for PhD (which is the most stoopid thing to do)....I applied for two studentship... I received their replies straightaway after sending my saying the application is full and asking me to apply next year...the other one asking me for a full CV...
After sending my full CV and current transcript, he asked me for phone interview this coming tuesday... I am kinda SHOCKED because I never thought i would be asked for interview! (I am not surprised...i am SHOCKED)....
Seriously, the reason I applied for these two studentship is because they do not require me to send them a cover letter...or something like letter from referees...yes, yes...i KNOW I AM LAZY! that's just ME! argh! all I did when i applied for the studentship was click on upload (CV) and my email address....
I asked my supervisor for opinion about this university and guess what? It become worse! The news spread around so fast that some of the lecturers gave me some names and name cards asking me to call them up for more PhD studentship! They gave me names from Thailand, Australia, Germany, US and even UK....They told me about their relationship with the other professors and they are willing to take in student...One of the lecturer even found an application form for funding me in LJMU itself!
She said she'll see if that funding applies to international student and she really wanted me to stay!
I know it sounds like a good news, but I am getting the pressure! I don't know what to do and I think I did the wrong thing by asking the opinion from my supervisor the first place..(that's how the news spread)...
Lesson learned:
I am the poophead this time...serves me right!
now, i have to learn about bioartificial pancreas just because of that interview...sob sob...i learned my lesson the HARD way...
Thursday, 2 July 2009
busy as a bee...
1 - research...lab work, log book (lab diary) write up...
2 - entertaining my fellow juniors...
3 - travelling to manchester, cambridge, sheffield...for food as well as research purposes..
4 - sorting out my accomodation (finally sorted out yesterday)
5 - trying decide my phd...where, how, when, what and funding...
6 - dealing with my normal but abnormal health stuff (which is normal anyway)
I think i am quite stressed about everything...and the fact that i'll be attending my convocation 21st july for degree, and next year MSc..
and busy uploading some pics on FB...
somebody (keep that person anonymous) just ruined my day by commenting :
Anonymous : tell u something...
connie : yes?
Anonymous : ur display pic in FB looked damn old
Anonymous : not nice
Anonymous : damn old
i think it wasn't very nice to add a word "damn" when you are commenting your friend at her face... I know I used the word "damn" so casually, but i dont use it ON the person I am speaking to~~
Well, i had to admit that hearing the word "not nice" about myself didn't help the situation at all...when i said "i dont give a damn on what you think" and some sarcasm with the word "damn", that anonymous said i am over sensitive!
I have a word for that POOPHEAD : Read carefully ..
If I am so DAMN pretty, I would be in hollywood right now and I wont need to work my ass off for a good results eh?
So, before this poophead ever make any comment on anyone, please, look into the mirror for your own reflection and try this : when you are pointing one finger at the person, four of your own fingers are actually pointing at yourself...
And if you don't have a mirror, take a wee wee, and get your own reflection from it..GOT ME?
yep, i am done ranting...and i know "the" poophead will be reading this..I wont apologise for calling you a poophead, coz you deserve it...Never judge someone by their outer look...only shallow minded people judge on that...
FYI, there are people suffering from depression, commit suicide just because they were judged by their outer look...sounds tacky? I am "DAMN" serious... anyway, i am far too optimistic to die just becoz i looked DAMN old~ ha-ha
Saturday, 13 June 2009
unlucky me or unprofessional 'them'?
i went for my third blood test (coz everything is so normal and i think they doctors/nurses have fun/addicted to jabbing me).... I went ALONE which is already damn scary....and the nurse actually made some MISTAKES! Real situation descibed below:
Connie getting ready for jabbing with eyes tightly closed, heart praying and mind thinking of tom & jerry...
Nurse: Oh, God!
*connie's heart raced! *God? something MUST be wrong!*
Nurse: dont't look! I am sorry Love...Is it painful? are you okay?
*i can hear the blood being sucked out and churning inside the syringe*
when someone asked you NOT to look, i am pretty sure 90% of NORMAL human would peek..right?...I saw blood on the floor, on my arms and on her hand!!! she didnt wear any gloves and she is busy wiping it off and keep asking me not to look..
Connie: It is painful, but i am okay...(almost cried)
Nurse: do you want me to carry on or do a second time, Love?
Connie: Just carry on....i dont wana get jabbed anymore...
Ending: she didnt get enough blood sample for the last tube (4 tubes all together)...and she has to hold the cotton ball for around 5 mins after the needle has been pulled out...when she released it, the blood is still dripping out (not too much though)...
Why didn't she wear gloves? It is a normal practice to avoid patient's blood, isnt it? hmm... am i unlucky to meet her or is she just unprofessional enough? now, i have a huge bruise and it is a bit painful...sigh..
2nd bad news: My thesis has to be handed in by 1st of sept...but the presentation is 11 of sept...damn it! such a long break! i rather 3rd of sept or even 2nd! Then, the stupid viva is 15th of Oct!!! From 11th sept till 15th oct, i will be loitering!
my lecturer said "you can go home and return by 15th oct, but i would suggest you to wait"
yea right! who the hell wouldn't wait? you think it is funny to travel for 20 hours? I don't know how they can come up with 15th of Oct as the viva thingy! but it is they even consider about international students? (80% are international student!)
conclusion : unlucky me to enrol in this course or unprofessional of them to decide this date?
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
plunging into HELL...
HOWEVER, eversince i met THE BARBARIANS, life has been a LIVING HELL... Just when i thought life is all peaceful without the barbarians (except meeting one of the everyday coz we are working in the same lab), I fell into deep SH*TTY HELL...
Today, another supervisor (Dr. E) working with one of the barbarians, decided to change the barbarian's project...because she has HAD ENOUGH of him! hahaha! She just put up with him for a month and she give up...I had been putting up with 10 Barbarians for a more than half a year! talk about WILLPOWER and PATIENCE!
BAD NEWS: Dr. E wanted the barbarian to work in my project! coz I can LOOK after him and guide him! although the aim is a bit different, but i have to put up with barbarians again! god damn it! damn damn damn damn damn!
This is the ULTIMATE, SUPER DUPER, WORST EVER NIGHTMARE! not only i have to put up with 3 projects, i have to guide a barbarian?! i rather be doing 10 projects than baby-sitting a barbarian! That g*d damned barbarian keep texting me whole god damn day trying to get hold of all my soft copy information! He should bloody find the information himself!
who the hell gave me information? NO ONE! I did the research on my own and now, that poophead barbarian wanted my hardwork with just one snap of a finger!
I am FUMING right now! if any assassin is reading this blog right now, please contact me via comment...i pay you to finish him off! hahahha!
one of the researchers said "You are going to continue your PhD right? Coz i think they (my research group) don't want to lose a potential PhD student like yourself"
Wow! that is a major compliment...but comparing to the bad news, this good news didn't even sound good to me..damn!
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
2 weeks off is a trick!
It was meant to be invitation, but the researcher doing crystallography was too enthusiastic and very very keen to get me involved in the research....I am happy to be invited but exhausted at the same time...I had to deal with my last assignment as well...
and damn that NHS! I dont want to talk about it, but everything seems to be annoying!
If i can trade this assignment with 2 researches, I would be more than happy to do it...I will be begging for it on my knees...this assignment is easy, but time consuming as well as being USELESS MODULE...nothing to do with studies...just evidence gathering and methodology write up...for example:
how to access a journal:
1. Use google/yahoo search engine
2.type the "keywords" and click "search"
3. Download the journal by clicking "download"
4. Save it as soft copy by clicking "save" or hard copy by clicking "print"
hahhaha! how does this sound? easy? yes....time consuming? VERY! u have to give step by step on which bloody thing to click! damn it! if u can get a MSc, it will be IMPOSSIBLE you dont know how to google things up! argh! this is driving me CRAZY!
anyway, i had to join the "extra" projects...I can only hope it wont be too hectic...
Monday, 1 June 2009
mixed feelings...
i went for my blood test results at 8.00am, but postponed to 3.20pm due to some irresponsible doctor who's late for his job~ argh! i took my is the good and bad news..
Good news: everything is PERFECTLY FINE...
Bad news: ANOTHER BLOOD TEST to test other stuff!!! darn!
I asked the doctor.."can't you just use the blood from the other day? you taken a lot from me"
Doctor: "Oh, no, has been used and thrown away because the last time, we check for only a few things and I want to test one more thing"
so, for that 'one more thing', i will be jabbed again! i am kinda thinking...i have never had my blood tested until i was 22years old...i guessed that's why i am getting all this jabbing at once~ sob' sob'...
i guess everything will be fine~ haha!
i have just taken my transcript from the school office...happy with this transcript...cant wait for everything to be over!
Thursday, 28 May 2009
life is unpredictable~ i hit a jackpot!
my professors are pleased with my project! and i had isolated some proteins which they had never isolated before! hooray~ my prof. told me that if the protein is confirmed to be the one i wanted, then half of my project is done!!!!! talk about efficiency!!!
My prof. asked me to travel to Sheffield University with him the following week...and i will get to meet another well-known prof (i'll keep him anonymous) and we'll do mass spectrometry on the protein to determine it... all these will be done early in the morning and my prof said he will let me do whole afternoon shopping in Sheffield~ hooray~ i guess hard work pays off...
my results were released today and i am quite happy with it...another two modules to go..let's pray that i'll do well in the other two modules~
good news: our research team might be getting a grant for something related to my project... so, if i perform well in my project, i might get a fully funded phd which takes only 2 years to complete~
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
life is like a living hell~
when i arrived the uni at 9am, i told the supervisors that i had blood test at 11am...guess what they said?
"Do you want me to accompany you to the health care center? I will walk you back to the university to continue your work"
YEP!!! okay....there were two SHOCKS in this dialogue...
1st: that supervisor is 74 years old and another is 64 years old! They ACCOMPANY me to health care center?!!! shouldn't it be the other way round? hahhaa! I wouldn't want a 74 years old man walking me to the health care center!!!!!
2nd: WHAT? i have to come back to the university??? i have to continue my lab work after my 5 or 10ml blood being taken??!!! damn!
i work till 4pm....i know blood test is not a big deal, but shouldn't i get at least a half day off???? darn! what kind of thing is this? argh! the other students can come to uni at 10 or 10.30am and leave around 2pm! WTF!! all their procedures were written precisely and mine is like...spontaneous thing!!! life is so god damn unfair!
one of my coursemates just started his project today!!!! damn it! and another has taken 4 days off in a row!!! darn!! the one who started today was due to clubbing and dont feel like coming (his reason is: he burnt his hand and the pain killer makes him dizzy and he cant wake up....i wonder what kind of place he hailed and which era..pain killers dont make you sleepy ANYMORE...come on, give a better reason, dumbass!)
the other who took a 4 days off is because she need to work..come on!! she is enrolled in a full time course and she absent because she wanted to work??!!!
and for me...i went for blood test and i cant even get a bloody half day off! I cried during the blood test (which is a normal thing for me...yea, laugh all you like...this is me..even when i am 70 years old, i'll still cry)...and on the way to the university, i feel like my life sux! i feel all these inequality and it really pissed me off...i ended up crying on the way to the university and stopped just before i reached the uni...i freshen myself up in the ladies and work my ass off in the lab...
i didn't tell my family that i went for blood test yet...after i get the blood test result on monday, i'll let them know i went for the test...i am actually thinking of the result...i don't know whether i should wish the result to be bad or a good one!'s like this...if my blood is okay, it means something is definitely wrong with me (maybe some cyst) and if my blood test is not good, it means something is wrong as well!
argh! so, definitely, something is wrong...ha-ha...conclusion: something IS wrong... but no worries, it is not a serious thingy~ woo hoo~ what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger..
Monday, 18 May 2009
a lot happened in a day...
my marble cake sold out completely! everyone liked it so much and it was my first attempt...i ma kinda lazy to upload the photo coz i am kinda busy at the moment...argh!
my stupidity in making mistakes created a miracle...i might have found a new method purifying some protein...i'll have to determine what protein they are tomorrow..
everyone is looking forward to what i am baking everyday!!! i have a hard time..coz i don't know how to bake actually! i am a novice!!! i just google up some recipe and bake the cake! now i am having quite a headache in varying my cakes...
since i had been baking cakes everyday, made Connie's speciality...called 'connie's sandwich'... i am not bragging about this sandwich...but everyone who tried this sandwich will actually get addicted to it...hehe! just ask those who had tried it before... and even i put on weight due to this stupid sandwich! i am restricting myself from eating it..i'll just make it for those people...
not only i made a sandwich, i baked another banana cake as well...due to high demand...coz the banana cake's news spread so fast that those who havent tried it complained! and they forced me to bake one...i am exhausted from baking and doin project...and sorting out my assignment...and searching for journals!
honestly, with all those cakes i baked, i actually lose 1kg...haha! good for me...i am losing weight with cake eating~ weird stuff happen to weird people...
Thursday, 14 May 2009
i screwed up the protein purification just because i got the monobasic and dibasic concentration the other way round! darn....forever in my life, i will remember this stupid mistake and never do it ever again...
K2HPO4 is a dibasic!!! KH2PO4 is a monobasic!!!! argh! because i confused myself the other way round, i put the buffer the other way round! which means my linker histones get flushed out directly and my impurities retained in the column~ ha-ha~ luckily, i collected everything...include the waste, so i can re-do everything tomorrow...and i have to prepare the buffer again...and this time, i will make sure that i wont repeat the mistake...
everyone is so kind to me...and helped me a lot...thanks everyone~
Wednesday, 13 May 2009

PS: my coursemates get one supervisor each...i have 3 supervisors, 2 lab assistant, 2 PhD students doing my project and getting me started...i guess i am the lucky one...coz i can learn more...but the downside?
i have to work harder than anyone else, i have to put more effort in everything...and lastly, i am kinda involved in three different projects...not to mention my main project is the latest project done by cambridge university in october 2008! since it is quite new, i have to revised the method and redevelop the method for future reference in LJMU! (i just get to know it today...more wonder the lab assistant try to reduce my pressure with the nice chocolates...i had eaten 4 pieces before taking the picture..haha!)
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
crazee with baking...
This is the banana cake on the cooling rack...


5 different tupperwares for everyone at university...of course, except for that particular barbarian who made me prepare 40 samples...
TODAY: i managed to bake sponge cake with strawberry filling...i baked two loaves...and my housemates finished a whole loaf! so, i quickly pack away another loaf so that i can take it to my university for my 'friends'....(including the security guard, health & safety officer and a few research assistants...i don't dare to give it to my supervisor or lecturers because others might think that i am trying to bribe them...i hate people talking behind me..i kick asses when i hear that)
i had no idea why it rises like looked like a tanker to me...i am too aggressive, that's why my cake looked like a tanker...




Monday, 11 May 2009
lecturing a lecturer~
YES! i will be tutoring my lecturer tomorrow...hehehe! My professor (Prof. J), specifically asked me to give one-to-one tutorial class to one of the lecturer (Dr. K)...
well, it's an honour to become a lecturer's lecturer, isnt it? at the same time, i am intimidated... how can i possibly tutoring my lecturer? my god....anyway, i believed i will do a great job... Prof. J should know my capability, right? so if he believed i can do it, i can~
let's hope connie do well~
PS: i brought my cake to uni today...and it's all GONE~ they demanded that i should bake a banana cake tomorrow...
So, not only i excelled in bakery...i had been appointed as a tutor to a lecturer~ i guess i am not too bad after all...
Mom, this is my mother's day present for you~ and something else..ahem..secret~
Saturday, 9 May 2009
my project...
i mentioned about doing a different project with a barbarian in the same laboratory, didnt i? guess what?
BAD NEWS: I had to prepare 20 samples for myself...and i ended up have to prepare 40 samples...20 for him and 20 for me! what the heck!!! i didn't want to do it, but i have no choice! the safety officer instructed me how to do it...and the barbarian wasnt here...and the officer wont be staying long, so i had to do his part! i REMINDED him to turn up at the lab and even texted him!
DARN! just my luck that i am stuck with a stooopid barbarian...if he is born stoopid, i wont blame him...he should at least made up his lack of intelligence by being a lil' bit more hardworking, shouldn't he?
oh well, barbarians wont understand this theory...or they wont be a barbarian anymore~
my impromptu cake...
i ended up googling how to bake spongecake...after i mix the butter and sugar..i realised that i dont have any fillings for my spongecake...i ended up making custard filling...hahhaa! reason? i have eggs...hhaha!
it was so good that...right after i cut it into half and spread my homemade custard on it, my housemates all rushed in and finished it...luckily i managed to take pictures and grab myself a slice~ hooray~ here's the photo...
my custard (i dont know how to make...erm...i didnt read the instruction properly...milk should be boiled then the yolk and sugar added in....)
what i did: sugar + yolk, mix...add cold milk...then microwave for 3 mins, then mix it again...






my mistakes during cake baking:
1. instead of using vanilla extract, i used lemon juice....
2. instead of using self raising flour ONLY, i added plain flour and baking powder to it
3. instead of 190 C i used 150 C
4. instead of 4 eggs, i used 5...
5. instead of cream and strawberry fillings, i used custard..
Outcome: it is still a spongecake and tastes great...
conclusion: Connie had just obtained PhD in bakery~ muahahhaha
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
mad at myself~
just as my parents (okay, entire family of mine) devilish horns melted before it harden...i am so pissed off at myself! i know i should be complaining about this thing as i had been through hell due to that assignment..somehow...
I can't do it! My rationality says: complain! complain! complain!!!
my heart says : No,'s all over long as you managed to hand up, why do you want to make the others suffer?
yea, so i am actually battling inside...and my project starts today! guess what's the good and bad news?
Good news: I know what i am doing...and i am quite sure i can do a good job~
BAD NEWS: one of the barbarians is doing a different project but under the same supervisor..which means our projects will have similarities....and he is sitting opposite me - FACE TO FACE EVERYDAY... argh! the same barbarian who made me walk through hell last friday...argh!
i still cant get over the issue, so i dont even want to talk to him or look at him in the face...i am afraid that i might shove whatever i have in the lab into his face!! okay, let's hope my 5months will be a happy experience...luckily, we have to wear goggle, mask, gloves and lab helps a lot when you dont want to look at someone~
ps: i hate barbarians...a few called me...i didnt pick up their calls purposely...ha-ha~ serves them right~ if they need any help, better call 911, i am not baby-sitting them anymore~ i am kind enough not to complain...(my brain is forcing me to complain!! argh!!!)...okay, i dont want to blog bout this issue anymore...i will have bi-polar attitude before finishing my MSc...hahhahah!
Thursday, 30 April 2009
freakin' pissed OFF!
okay, you guys help me to make this decision....i emailed everyone the finalised assignement around 5am in the morning and none of those freaks replied my email or give me any feedback EVEN UNTIL NOW!
Okay, i can forgive them for not replying as i obviously think they are mentally retarded to even be able to read anything...BUT...
I am so PISSED OFF! She went to the university to HELP another group when she cant even FUCKING do her part of the work! i don't mind doing it when the retards dont know how to do it! but she can help other groups doing the same thing? COME ON!
i am officially pissed off and i cant be arse with the thing anymore! i am not going to do the table of content and even numbering the pages...they can all go to hell along with the assignment! i dont CARE!!!!
~~~*** ALL BY MYSELF***~~~~
okay, only the title...not the meaning of the entire song.... I am proud of myself...I did one unbelievable thing...i actually emailed 3 of them and give them a piece of my mind! i mentioned their names one by one and saying what crap they gave me....i asked them to read the entire group thing and find which part is actually their work....i even mentioned about how UNFAIR it was and now IRRESPONSIBLE of them....
i am not going to complain to lecturer as i just wana scold those retards....
Cheers, did a great job...not only you stand up for yourself this time, you actually managed to finish mission impossible....MI4....starring connie and Tom Cruise...
Ps: i still have another assignment due on the same day...gotta start it now!
bad day....
Dying from reading CRAPPY emails sent by barbarians....
I actually CRIED when i read those emails....we are supposed to hand up 2 assignments on this friday....and i am still awake...trying to compile everything and re-type and not to mention trying to understand their 'human' english.....with microsoft words, they can still have typo errors (not some...but the whole damn paragraph...with the entire sentence appearing to be a phrase without a starting point and you dont know where to put a fullstop..)
Can you guys imagine? I am really having a hard time...and thanks to three person appearing at the right time on msn....My beloved kazak (regina), kam-kam and haur, someone who seldom online! I am forever indebt as they actually listen to my complains...particularly kazak! She actually listened to my crying!! i can't speak because this thing is really causing me so much pressure...Kam-kam actually made cute faces on webcam! (i didnt turn on my webcam as i am too ugly at that moment)
I rather be doing the whole thing than letting them giving me crappy emails and saying as if they had done the thing! they COPY and PASTED the whole thing and send it to me...that's why there are no fullstop...coz they copy a part of the sentence and jumble it up, mixing it with some other sentence...
I actually swore out loud when i read the emails....and one of my housemates was in my room and she was SHOCKED! she said she has never heard me swearing before and that is the first time i looked angry! she said she can never imagine me being angry coz i am always smiling as if nothing can actually wipe off that smile off my goofy face... ( my swearing : what the FUCK is this? this is a piece of SHIT!)
Yep...that's the only thing swore...and this is actually my first time saying FUCK out loud...And this is the first time i used this word without sensoring it in my blog...even in my msn, i wrote : FUCK OFFFFFFFF!
Now you guys can actually imagine how awfully pissed off i am...i cant be bothered anymore...i thought of taking FM's making this whole thing as if it is my own thing and dont let myself regret....but i cant do it...i just cant! You guys cant imagine what the crap i need to deal with...can you imagine that you asked someone to fill in the blanks and they cant even fill it in? they ended up copy and pasting some shit for you? and i said to one of the barbarians : can you please follow the sub headings given in the example and send it to me?
here comes the best reply of the YEAR 2009:
"what's a sub heading?"
*silence* followed by drop-dead on the floor.....
Didnt i just say follow the example? if you dont know what's a subheading, at least you will understand what is a god damn EXAMPLE isnt it? why cant they fill in the blank? how come they DONT know how to FILL IN THE FUCKING BLANK?
okay, mum, i know i am swearing awfully lot...but this is the first and the last time (given that i dont have to deal with barbarians anymore in my life).....
Lastly, i would like to apologise for making this blog so rude...I am really for the barbarians, i am sorry that i actually swore when i received your emails...but you guys should be grateful that you didnt know bout it...
Finally, i feel sorry for myself...why do i have to give a damn when they obviously dont give shit about it? why am i even crying when they are happily sleeping right now? why am i so stupid? i guess i am the stupid one after all.....
Sunday, 26 April 2009
my cakessssss







2nd post on the same day...25th of april..
*11.49pm, 25th april 2009* ....
someone just rang me up....and i was so naive! thinking that nothing can ever ruin my current mood... can you guys guess who called me?
YEA, it is THE BARBARIAN!!! I never thought that she can actually just called me up and say..
Barbarian: "Connie, do you know we have 2 assignments due on 1st of May?"
Connie: "yes, i is group work (more than 5000 words) and the other is individual work (1500 words)....why?"
Barbarian: "oh, i am just wondering if you can do the part 2 for the group work as well...coz i have to do the individual assessment thing"
Connie: "i haven't done it as well....we'll discuss on monday with the other two and divide work for everyone"
Barbarian: "We'd discussed about it...since you did the slides, only u know how to do everything, we dont know about i doubt we can do good enough"
Connie: "i think we should rediscuss about this matter on monday with everyone talking face to face...coz i am kinda busy right now.."
Barbarian: "can you meet me tomorrow night and tell me how to do the individual work? I am free after 8pm"
(my thoughts: *tuuuttt* Why do i have to purposely meet you according to YOUR convenience and doing a FAVOUR for you as well? shouldn't it be the other way round?)
Connie: "I am not sure, we'll see...i am not free now, talk to you tomorrow..bye"
*hang up*
Yea-right....There are 4 parts and i had done 2 parts (half of it)...and the other half is to be done by THREE of them! And now, if i were to do the 3rd part as well, can you guys guessed what THREE people have to do?
Objective and the Summary...i supposed that they can't do the summary as well, coz you can't expect someone who didnt do anything to write a summary about it...can they? WHICH MEANS THREE PEOPLE WRITING THE OBJECTIVE!
As for you guys have any idea what i have to do? i'll briefly show the outline of the whole thing:
1.Business Focus:
Summary, objectives and SWOT analysis (i had done the SWOT analysis)
2. Market Research :
Market segmentation, evidence of customer demand, competitor profiling, global market trends, future market trends, factor affecting the market trend, legal issues such as patening the product (all to be supported by evidence)
3. Market Plan:
Products, Pricing policy, Promotional Plan, Location
4. Financial plan:
Start up requirements, Sources of finance (how & where to get loan), Sales forecast, Cashflow forecast, Profit and loss forecast
SO, WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK? I was assigned to do part 3 & 4 and now, they wanted to add part 2...i had done SWOT analysis...So, they are left with summary and objectives...LIFE IS TOUGH!
Come and step in my shoes...think from my side...Can you trust them with your marks? Can you risk your 1st class and trade it for an ordinary pass (mind you, there is no second upper...only a 1st or a pass awarded..) ? What will you think if this module pulled down your average making you just 1% slightly lower from making it to the 1st class? How do you think you will feel? You will have to bear with the 1% lower which branded you as a PASS for your whole life! Then why the hell did you go through all those fuss when a 40% is also a PASS? you could've spent your days loitering and still get a 40%! You dont even need to study to get a 40%!
Okay...i'll stop...i dont wana think if i have a choice...DAMN it! this is how to ruin a perfect mood of mine...i am so damn furious, bitter, upset, and whatever you guys wana call it.. damn! i am damned!
Ps: yea, i am FURIOUS! that's why i am going to watch some cartoons and eat chocolates! Luckily i bought 4 huge bars of dark chocolate today...maybe i had a premonition without even knowing it...haha~ anyway....i am feeling a lot better after rambling...hehe!
My 3 banana cakes are GONER~ (my droplet size of happiness versus a raging sea of embitterment....i chose the droplet, so i am still a happy person in the end~ after all, i have my chocolates with me...)
Saturday, 25 April 2009
graduated TWO different courses at the same time...
okay, i'll cut the crap~ i baked a banana cake yesterday night...and it was finished before it even cooled down!!!! wow~ it is THAT GOOD! so, i ended up baking another one today....and i had to hide it in my room to cool it down...(coz i promised by friend that i would her some)...
but before i get to keep a slice in a tupperware, it is a GONER for my cake!!!! and i had to bake another, it is still in the oven...and i am hoping that i can manage to keep some for my friend...or else...i will have to bake another one! hahha!
but i enjoyed the baking process..i have to is THAT GOOD! hahhaha! okay, i am going to bake a chocolate mud cake soon...maybe after a day or two...depending on my mood~ so, i actually graduated as a pastry chef now~ hahahaha!
ps: i am really happy that everyone's loving it and keep complimenting it~ ahaha! i am actually really happy but trying to conceal the stupid grin on my face when they were complimenting me~ hahaa!
the best compliment: Connie, if you dont wana become a biotechnologist, you can always open a bakery shop~
okay...gotta check on my cakeyyy now~
Friday, 24 April 2009
historical day....
most of all....i will miss my GUILT-FREE-CHOCOLATE-INDUGENCE- SESSION...i used exams' stress as my excuse to indulge in chocolates everyday~ minus the guilt...hhaha!
okay, i will stop here coz i need to celebrate...hahhaha~ tata~
Re-edited: did i mention how i celebrate? cleaning my room...SPOTLESS...every inch...and of course, baking a banana cake for my housemates....opppsss..almost forgot to mention that right after exam, i had a HUGE lunch with my spanish friend...A very nice and attractive girl...we had a moist chocolate fudge cake with double vanilla ice cream scoopes...
i find myself annoying for mentioning about chocolates every single time...but i cant help it..i am chocoholic after all...
PS: right after exam, one of the barbarians came over and said "connie, we have a business plan due on 1st of may..."
my thoughts " what the *tuuuttt*! right after exam, i am floating on cloud nine and u came over and send me right to hell with just a few words..."
my reply: "can we talk about this next time? i dont feel like talking about it...i am tired and i need some time off"
afterall, i am the one doing all the research and the presentation slides...i think i will be the one WRITING up the plan as well...absolutely hate real freedom will be after 1st of may...where i dont need to give a poop about what they are up to~
Thursday, 9 April 2009
Daddy's girl..
HOWEVER, 'the flu' will only remain in conquer for a while...I had my immune system backed up with "redoxon", "Kiwis" and "oranges"....after the accumulation of these 3-vitamin-C-packed aids, I will launch a full blast on "the flu"....hahaha! we'll see who's the winner!!!!
Okay, cut the crap...i am down with flu...and i am really happy that my Dad called me at 2.20am (Msia time) when he knew that i am sick...hehe! I think he had just arrived home from some outing and heard from my mum that i am he called...hehhe! Just because of this, i will be recover as soon as possible by launching a full attack on "the flu"...hehhe
Okay, everyone has gone home to celebrate i am alone in the flat...thank god! I can at least have a quiet enviroment to start my revision...i havent print my notes out yet! darn...gonna download all of it now...tata~
Stay tune for more war experiences...
*this story is inspired by the fact that a LJMU student (my uni) was arrested under terrorism act...10 men were arrested at my uni's, i hope that they can blast the uni campus during easter break when no one is, my exam can be postponed...haha...seriously, i hope they wont hurt anyone...i pray for the safety of everyone...I do not understand why they choose to become terrorists...stop hurting innocent people...too much of testosterone causes this behaviour...and it might be having more than one Y chromosome that causes this was demonstrated that aggressive criminals usually have XYY chromosome...which is what i call MUTANT...
i'll stop...before i start crapping..hhahah!
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
some random thoughts
it's a bit it's kinda dangerous if i were to go out alone...if my housemates were going, then it will be fine wearing that least someone accompany you home, right?
Situation 1: You were molested/raped/harrassed when you are wearing normal clothing
My thoughts: I sympathised you...and i'll hope that guy gets a death sentence...and castrate him before executing him...(serves him right)
Situation 2: You were molested/raped/harrassed when you wear flashing clothes and walking in a well-lit area
My thoughts: similar as above but wouldnt castrate the guy shouldnt be walking alone in those clothing and the guy should actually have some self control~ (both wrong situation)
Situation 3: You were molested/raped/harrassed when you wear flashing clothes and walking in a dark alley...ALONE
My thoughts: Serves you right. Which dumba$$ would actually walk alone wearing not-enough-clothing? You made the guys tempted! So blame it on yourself for inviting the assault..
So, it really depends..actually sometimes, i think some girls really deserved it! I mean, come on, you literally invited the assault! Guys cant think straight when they were half drunk and it's even impossible to resist temptation! So, dress appropriately according to situation you might be in...okay?
Girls, learn to protect yourself... dont make eye contact if you are not interested...haha!
Sometimes, i really hate some girls...those who wouldn't get off the car unless the guys opened the door for them...if i were the guy, i would kick that girl off MY car...hahhaha! send her flying out and rolling in the middle of the road..ha-ha!
ahem...okay, i dont know why i am thinking such a thing..hhaha! that's why it's a random thoughts...but for guys, i really think you should give that girl a super kick if she waited for you to open the door for her..and i mean only the car's door, okay?...typical gentlemen should hold the door open for a girl...hahhah! (unless she has some excusable inabilities of course)
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
i am proud of myself..
as for the banana cake, i made it from SCRATCH!!! hahhaa! i am so pleased!! mum, for the next chinese new year, i am going to bake a dozen of this cake! hahhaa! the whole cake is finished within a day!!! imagine how delicious it is...
Picture says more than a thousand it goes!!!




my char siew (bbq pork)...i cooked it myself...and even minced the meat myself!
my mixed dough...from the prepared pack...just add water...



Sunday, 5 April 2009
another homemade dessert...
hopefully, i can recover by the end of the day...i dont feel like taking any minty sweets as i feel honey is really soothing..and i love sweet stuff!!!!
here's my tau foo fah...drizzled with honey...(healthier than using melted sugar)...hahha!
my tau foo fah...and my bottle of au-natural honey...(it's really expensive!!! darn!) and the funny thing is that...on the bottle of honey, it is written "save the honey bee"...and repeated for 3 times...does that mean they are discouraging us to buy natural honey product? maybe we should use caramelised sugar instead...SAVE THE HONEY BEE
my tau foo fah with honey drizzled on top...i know it doesnt look good...anyway, who cares? it looked worse when it is in your GI..hahah! i had a hard time finding a black bowl! or else, you wont be able to see my tau foo fah~ hohoho!
ps: hopefully, my sore throat will be better...or i'll finish the whole bottle of honey...which is also a good i am thinking, should i hope for faster recovery??
fast recovery : no sore throat~ i can eat ANYTHING
getting worse : i can buy another bottle of honey and finish it off~ yum yum...anyway, i gained on both scenario...oppss...and my weight suffers..hahahha! who cares!!

see the phrase : save the honey bee? i am not good at taking pictures and i am even worse at editing pictures...(IT/SOFTWARE IDIOT) so it's a bit blurry...hhahaha!
Saturday, 4 April 2009
nite out~
I drank 3 bottles of WKD and 2 smrinoff ice vodka....and one glass of cocktail (i dont remember its fancy name...something like 'mumbo jumbo'? hahhhaa!
after clubbing, we managed to flag a cab and went to one of the girls' place...we chit chatted till 5.30am and we went home separately...
Today!! jeng jeng jeng~ i baked chocolate cake...actually, not baking...microwaving...hahhaha! 3 minutes needed...and it's!!!!
ingredients: unsweetened cocoa powder (a lot!!! chocoholic), milk, water, flour, baking powder and brown sugar (i didnt put much)
note: no butter/eggs...hahhaha!
here's the pics!!






this is how it looked like on the inside...yum yum~
ps: dont believe me...i always praise myself...hahhahha! i failed for the 1st two times...coz i followed the recipe...saying i should include eggs and butter...after omitting them, my cake is a success...hahhaha!