Sunday 26 July 2009

my aim!

okay...i had been on diet my whole life but i never seemed to lose any weight! finally, i figured out that i have to be S-E-R-I-O-U-S

After some serious thinking (i should be thinking about my research!), i had finally made up my mind! GO FOR IT!

i am blogging about this because i think this is the only way to make myself serious! I am "leo", so ego plays an important part of me...when i announced it to the entire world that i am going to lose some stubborn weight, I MUST lose it.....

I am not obese...but I am going to lose the stubborn weight...This will be a favour i do for myself...and this will be the best present i give to without the need to try the clothes on!! hooray!

i know, laziness of clothes trying is driving me to lose weight...anyway, i believe EVERY GIRL in this world is talking about this me, i am not "talking bout it" anymore...ACTION will be taken..

correction: action has been taken...

Once i have my results, i will announce how i did it, and everyone can benefit from it... and i will get this done before returning to msia...coz my mum said " dont come back if you put on weight"

haha! mum, this will be your birthday present too! gambateh!

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