Tuesday 20 January 2009


sometimes, i absolutely support PETA...after i saw one of the video clips about skinning the animals ALIVE....i am really upset by that video...and i even cried while watching it! i feel like killing those ruthless people...and skinning them just the way they skinned the animals alive...

however.....i come across a new campaign organised by PETA...they decided to change the name of fish into SEA KITTENS (sea cat???)....damn! i know they think fishing is a bad thing because it hurts the poor fish (and obviously i saw some uncivilised way of killing whales in Denmark...)... anyway, when you change the term, FISH, into SEA KITTENS really sounds kinda funny! not to mentioned stupid! Did they ever stop to think how the kids would be confused? imagine...a two year old kid saw these campaign and thought that fish is actually called sea kittens?

worse come to worst, older kids with wild imagination would think that it is a mutant! (obviously after seeing the picture of cross breed fish and cat in PETA campaign)....whew! if the kids saw little mermaid, they will obviously think that there will be a....catmaid..?? (the cat-head-fish-tailed creature drawn by PETA supporters)...

oh my god! argh! none of my business anyway...i am just a busybody...hahahha! hm....suddenly, something flashed across my mind....will the kids think that it's the job of some EVIL SCIENTIST? DAMN! i am studying biotech...altering genetics....so i am the EVIL SCIENTIST afterall! gosh!

i better go to sleep before my imagination runs wild....guess sleep deprivation can really makes you crazy....

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