Saturday 24 January 2009

bad luck!

i had the worst luck!!! my good luck left me!!

argh!!!! i dont know how to express my feelings right now...i am LOST... i am FORCED to be in group with the worst bunch of barbarians coursemates!

GOD, WHAT DID I DO? did i kill them in their past lives and i have to pay them now? argh!

okay, back to this thing...i had a new we need to do a lot of critical thinking...we need to come up with a business plan and consider every aspect...such as how to make it work, how much profit..bla bla bla...and we need to link it with our biotechnology stuff... and damn! those barbarians hates mathematics and i don't think their critical thinking is sharp enough (i am not criticising....but i knew it from those previous assignments)...

even a laboratory plan they cant do (the one i did for most of the barbarians...about primers and DNA....), you think they are capable of coming up with a business plan? damn! argh!!! and more bad of the groupmates for this module is the one who called me in the odd hours...(just to ask what time the lectures commence and how was my revision....remember? i mentioned her in previous blogs)...imagine....i had nothing to do with her, she can call me day and night...and now that i am her groupmate, i better be dead....

4 person in a group....and those 3 are the worst among the barbarians....come on!!! how can my luck be this bad?! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAaaaaAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...............

okay, okay....i'll try to calm myself down......BUT I CAN'T!!! how can i calm down when i am in this shitty situation? argh!!! i am so pissed off with this!!!! .....................positive thinking.....positive thinking....


okay, i cant think of anything positive at all! damn! anyway, if i can survive this, i can survive ANYTHING in the future...just take this as MISSION IMPOSSIBLE....change barbarians into civilised human with critical thinking and love mathematics + statistics....(i am not saying that i have sharp critical thinking or anything....but at least i know my timetable for classes...) i have the rights to doubt those that don't even know their timetable when it is written in the handbook, right? (MSc students??)

......don't even know their is that possible for a master's student?.....this is getting really scary....the more i thought about this, the more terrified i am...

sharing for the day:

ahem...imagine you are calling someone (to ask about venue for tomorrow's class) called for 5-6 times and no one is picking up your calls....what will you do?

A. Keep Calling
B. Send a text to state why are you calling
C. Stop calling

some dumbass who chooses (A) should be shot to death right away...this means that you have no brain...because it is so damn obvious people are ignoring you! for some trivial matters and you kept calling? you should have just sent a damn text to ask about it!

ps: this is a real life event....two friends from different courses having the same problem...coursemates calling non-stop to ask about tomorrow's, if you are type A, please understand that sending a text is a better option...unless the person you are calling is your best buddy or good friends...but not towards someone you had just met and did not share any common interest...

moral of the story: there are lotsa dumbass....

i am really pissed off today...that is why i don't sensor my french~


Donna Bong said...

LOL! best thing to do, let the teacher know that YOU DONT want the barbarians. just refuse to be in their group and tell them that you'd rather be in somebody else's group. there! good luck!

connie said...

hahhaha! i know exactly how the lecturer will tell me off....she will say 'when you go out to work, you will have to face this kind of wont be able to work with everyone you liked'

hahahaa!...and the lecturers dont know i help them with the pass few assignments...hahhaha! so, they r not barbarians in the eyes of the lecturers...hahhah!

FM Luder said...

Barbarians lol... I had loads on my course when I started. In the first year there were about 30 people on my course. By the end there were 8 of us because the barbarians dropped off by the 2nd/3rd years. They'll go soon enough =)

connie said...

hahhaha! thanks for your support! i really hoped they'll be gone ASAP...but my course consist of 11students...dropping off barbarians would left less than 5 in my course..hahhaha!

i may hate them, but i hoped they can grad...not drop off..haha!
thanks for consoling me though~