Thursday 6 November 2008

trust me, when i say trust me...

i guessed all my friends would have heard me saying this phrase....i dont know why, but everything i do, i dont liked to be questioned....especially when explaining a situation....i hate it when people tends to question me as if they dont believe what i'd said...if you dont believe what i'd said, then i think it will be useless to ask me in the first parents know my eccentric behaviour and they dont throw tonnes of questions towards me....they respect my decision and they trust my judgement....same goes to my friends, my family and everyone who knows me by heart...., i received a special sms wishing me good luck in may be late by one day, but still, it really cheered me up as usual...

it has been quite sometime that i last heard of my new 'didi' in Liverpool...and he just messaged me for a dinner or brunch on saturday for a catch up on our lives...i am glad that i helped him at the airport eventhough i dont know his name...i am glad that the help i offered is appreciated and he kept in touch even when both of us have stuff to be busy about....although i will be having lots of assignments and exam due next week, i think i should meet him up in case he need my help....since i know where the best place to shop, maybe i can be of some help... it doesnt cost much to help a person, but you get the best reward when they appreciate your help....just like how i am feeling right now...happy that i am helping someone when they needed help the most^^

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