Monday 23 March 2009

THE meeting

i mentioned about not doing the talking to the lecturer during the meeting, right? ...and...argh...i am even tired to complain in my blog's the main point...

1) one of the barbarians didn't turn up for the meeting...
2) when we meet the lecturer, the other 2 barbarians turn to look at me...signalling that i should do the talking..

i started the conversation and introduce the lecturer to our product...i'd TOLD the barbarians beforehand that i dont have any enquiries, because i don't know what to ask!

there are only 2 situations when you dont know what to ask:
1) you totally don't understand something (this is my situation)
2) you totally understand the whole thing

So, i dont know how i got managed to survived through that meeting...i ended up asking some superficial questions which i already knew the answer! example? here it is:

Price of product - production costs = profit

I asked what is the production costs i should include? who doesn't know it means raw materials, equipments, salary, gas, water, lab, electricity, internet etc? who doesnt???? that lecturer must have thought all science students are business idiot!! argh...whatever...i am going to nap it all OFF straightaway...hoped that i'll dream about killing some barbarians~

stay tuned for more updated complains...

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