Monday 2 June 2008

2nd day in liverpool

wake up quite late...around 10am uk was raining and quite cold!! luckily i wear my cute pj..hahaha!! my mum told me my puppy was deppressed since it din saw me for a few cute....i ask my mum to put on loudspeaker so dat it can hear my just jump around happily!!! wen i said 'sit', it really sit down and roll over!!! so cute!! i miss it so much!!! after the rain stop we all went out for a dinner!! da meal is huge! no, enormous!!!!!! after our meal, we walk around the city....however, the weather is so cold that we cant stand it anymore and we went sleep....hahha!!

1 comment:

-CaLvIn- said...

i think u ady can cope with the weather by now rite? haha!!
